(€ million)
1. Participation bonus 2.9
2. Historical ranking 1.3
3. Market pool 1 0.4
4. Bonus result 2.4 (4w, 1d)
5. Bonus round result 0.3
6. Play-off bonus 0.3
7. Round of 16 0.6
8. Quarter-finals 1
❗ Total €9.3Mln ❗
👉 That's 4% of revenues if we take as an example the €233m in revenues for 2022.
This number was 15% for FC Internazionale Milano for reaching the QF of the UEFA Champions League (see previous post).
Now 2022 was a record year for ACF Fiorentina as revenue grew by 45% compared to €160m in 2021...thanks to Juventus Football Club.
The sale of Vlahovic marked a capital gain of €68m while that of Federico Chiesa of €39m.
✅ Is the Conference League worth it?
From a sporting point of view, yes
☑ happy fans
☑ new enthusiasm around the team
☑ international experience for young players
From an economic point of view:
☑ money is not a lot but better than nothing
☑ it could be a selling point when pitching new sponsors
🚨 Attention: a lot depends on the club's ranking in its league.
If the club is fighting for access to the CL, taking away physical strength and mental energy from the players can be a big risk.
✅ Bonuses explanations
☑ For each match in the group stage, clubs make:
- €500,000 per win
- €166,000 for each draw
☑ Group Stage bonus
- €650,000 for winners
- €325,000 for the runners-up
☑ Road to Final
- qualification to the semi-finals: €2m
- qualification to the final: €3m
- Conference League champion: €2m
☑ The undistributed amounts of €168,000 per tie are redistributed among the clubs participating in the group stage in proportion to the number of wins.
☑ Ranking bonus
- based on ten-year UEFA rankings
- the total amount of €23.5m has been divided into coefficient shares, each worth €44,500.
- the team with the lowest score receives €44,500.
- the first-ranked team will receive €1.42m.
☑ Market pool
- €11.75m out of €23.5m are distributed according to the number of federations represented, 28 this year.
